Terms & Conditions

1. Application of Terms

1.1. These Terms apply to your use of the Service (as that term is defined below). By accessing and using the Service:

  • you agree to these Terms; and
  • where your access and use is on behalf of another person (e.g. a company), you confirm that you are authorised to, and do in fact, agree to these Terms on that person’s behalf and that, by agreeing to these Terms on that person’s behalf, that person is bound by these Terms.

1.2. If you do not agree to these Terms, you are not authorised to access and use the Service, and you must immediately stop doing so.

2. Changes

2.1. We may change these Terms at any time by notifying you of the change by email or by posting a notice on the Website. Unless stated otherwise, any change takes effect from the date set out in the notice. You are responsible for ensuring you are familiar with the latest Terms. By continuing to access and use the Service from the date on which the Terms are changed, you agree to be bound by the changed Terms.

2.2. These Terms were last updated on 2022-01-04 21:17.

3. Interpretation

In these Terms:

Confidential Information means any information that is not public knowledge and that is obtained from the other party in the course of, or in connection with, the provision and use of the Service. Our Confidential Information includes Intellectual Property owned by us (or our licensors), including the FlowChat Software. Your Confidential Information includes the Data.

Data means all data, content, and information (including personal information) owned, held, used or created by you or on your behalf that is stored using, or inputted into, the Service.

FlowChat Software means the software owned by us (and our licensors) that is used to provide the Service.

Fees means the applicable fees set out on our pricing page on the Website at this link or as agreed otherwise in writing between you and us, as may be updated from time to time in accordance with clause 7.6.

Force Majeure means an event that is beyond the reasonable control of a party, excluding:

  • an event to the extent that it could have been avoided by a party taking reasonable steps or reasonable care; or
  • a lack of funds for any reason.

including and similar words do not imply any limit.

Intellectual Property Rights includes copyright and all rights existing anywhere in the world conferred under statute, common law or equity relating to inventions (including patents), registered and unregistered trade marks and designs, circuit layouts, data and databases, confidential information, know-how, and all other rights resulting from intellectual activity.
Intellectual Property has a consistent meaning, and includes any enhancement, modification or derivative work of the Intellectual Property.

Objectionable includes being objectionable, defamatory, obscene, harassing, threatening, harmful, or unlawful in any way.

a party includes that party’s permitted users.

Permitted Users means your personnel who are authorised to access and use the Service on your behalf in accordance with clause 5.3.

a person includes an individual, a body corporate, an association of persons (whether corporate or not), a trust, a government department, or any other entity.

personal information means information about an identifiable, living person.

personnel includes officers, employees, contractors and agents, but a reference to your personnel does not include us.

Service means the service having the core functionality described on the Website, as the Website is updated from time to time.

Start Date means the date that you set up an account.

Terms means these terms titled SaaS terms of use.

Underlying Systems means the FlowChat Software, IT solutions, systems and networks (including software and hardware) used to provide the Service, including any third party solutions, systems and networks.

We, us or our means "C.O.R.E. Enterprises LLC".

Website means the internet site at this link, or such other site notified to you by us.

Year means a 12-month period starting on the Start Date or the anniversary of that date.

You or your means you or, if clause 1.1b applies, both you and the other person on whose behalf you are acting.

Words in the singular include the plural and vice versa.

A reference to a statute includes references to regulations, orders or notices made under or in connection with the statute or regulations and all amendments, replacements or other changes to any of them.

4. Provision of the Service

4.1. We must use reasonable efforts to provide the Service:

  • in accordance with these Terms and Lithuanian law;
  • exercising reasonable care, skill and diligence; and
  • using suitably skilled, experienced and qualified personnel.

4.2. Our provision of the Service to you is non-exclusive. Nothing in these Terms prevents us from providing the Service to any other person.

4.3. Subject to clause 4.4, we must use reasonable efforts to ensure the Service is available on a 24/7 basis. However, it is possible that on occasion the Service may be unavailable to permit maintenance or other development activity to take place, or in the event of Force Majeure. We must use reasonable efforts to publish on the Website or notify you by email advance details of any unavailability.

4.4. Through the use of web services and APIs, the Service interoperates with a range of third party service features. We do not make any warranty or representation on the availability of those features. Without limiting the previous sentence, if a third party feature provider ceases to provide that feature or ceases to make that feature available on reasonable terms, we may cease to make available that feature to you. To avoid doubt, if we exercise our right to cease the availability of a third party feature, you are not entitled to any refund, discount or other compensation.

5. Your Obligations

5.1. You and your personnel must:

  • use the Service in accordance with these Terms solely for:
    • your own internal business purposes and in operating your business; and
    • lawful purposes (including complying with the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007); and
  • not resell or make available the Service to any third party, or otherwise commercially exploit the Service.

5.2. When accessing the Service, you and your personnel must:

  • not impersonate another person or misrepresent authorisation to act on behalf of others or us;
  • correctly identify the sender of all electronic transmissions;
  • not attempt to undermine the security or integrity of the Underlying Systems;
  • not use, or misuse, the Service in any way which may impair the functionality of the Underlying Systems or impair the ability of any other user to use the Service;
  • not attempt to view, access or copy any material or data other than:
    • that which you are authorised to access; and
    • to the extent necessary for you to use the Service in accordance with these Terms; and
  • neither use the Service in a manner, nor transmit, input or store any Data, that breaches any third party right (including Intellectual Property Rights and privacy rights) or is Objectionable, incorrect or misleading.

5.3. Without limiting clause 5.2, no individual other than a Permitted User may access or use the Service. You may authorise any member of your personnel to be a Permitted User, in which case you must provide us with the Permitted User’s name and other information that we reasonably require in relation to the Permitted User. You must procure each Permitted User’s compliance with clauses 5.1 and 5.2 and any other reasonable condition notified by us to you.

5.4 A breach of any of these Terms by your personnel (including, to avoid doubt, a Permitted User) is deemed to be a breach of these Terms by you.

5.5 You are responsible for procuring all licences, authorisations and consents required for you and your personnel to use the Service, including to use, store and input Data into, and process and distribute Data through, the Service.

6. Data

6.1. You acknowledge that:

  • we may require access to the Data to exercise our rights and perform our obligations under these Terms; and
  • to the extent that this is necessary but subject to clause 9, we may authorise a member or members of our personnel to access the Data for this purpose.

6.2 You must arrange all consents and approvals that are necessary for us to access the Data as described in clause 6.1.

6.3 You acknowledge and agree that:

  • we may:
    • use Data and information about your and your end users’ use of the Services to generate anonymised and aggregated statistical and analytical data (Analytical Data); and
    • use Analytical Data for our internal research and product development purposes and to conduct statistical analysis and identify trends and insights; and
    • supply Analytical Data to third parties;
  • our rights under clause 6.3a above will survive termination of expiry of the Agreement; and
  • title to, and all Intellectual Property Rights in, Analytical Data is and remains our property.

6.4 You acknowledge and agree that to the extent Data contains personal information, in collecting, holding and processing that information through the Service, we are acting as your agent for the purposes of the Privacy Act 1993 and any other applicable privacy law. You must obtain all necessary consents from the relevant individual to enable us to collect, use, hold and process that information in accordance with these Terms.

6.5 While we will take standard industry measures to back up all Data stored using the Service, you agree to keep a separate back-up copy of all Data uploaded by you onto the Service.

6.6 You agree that we may store Data (including any personal information) in secure servers in United Kingdom and may access that Data (including any personal information) in United Kingdom.

6.7 You indemnify us against any liability, claim, proceeding, cost, expense (including the actual legal fees charged by our solicitors) and loss of any kind arising from any actual or alleged claim by a third party that any Data infringes the rights of that third party (including Intellectual Property Rights and privacy rights) or that the Data is Objectionable, incorrect or misleading.

7. Fees & Refunds

7.1. You agree to pay all applicable fees related to your use of this Website which are described fully on our pricing page. By providing a payment method, you expressly authorize us to charge the applicable fees on said payment method as well as taxes and other charges incurred thereto at regular intervals, all of which depend on your particular subscription and utilized services.

7.2 The subscription period for Paid Accounts can be month-to-month, yearly, or another duration described more fully on our pricing page.

7.3 Paid Accounts are subject to fees based upon the account type you've selected. For renewals, we will automatically charge your payment method in the amount of the then-current fee for your type of account, plus applicable taxes. All payments are non-refundable. To the extent that payment mechanisms are provided through third parties, you agree that we will have no liability to you arising out of the acts or omissions of such third parties. If applicable, you agree to maintain current billing information.

7.4 All sales are final. No refunds are offered for any subscription or services. We do not provide credit, refunds, or prorated billing for subscriptions that are cancelled mid-month or mid-term. In such a circumstance, you will continue to have access to your subscription until the end of the subscription period. All refund questions can be sent to support@FlowChat.com.

7.5 Upgrades & Downgrades - We can do downgrades and upgrades, which are evaluated case-by-case. Send all upgrade/downgrade inquiries to support@FlowChat.com.

7.6 Once a chargeback occurs with respect to a FlowChat account, that FlowChat account and all content in it including but not limited to leads, sequence copy, templates, automations, etc will be suspended. Members will be able to regain access to their account by contacting FlowChat Support and repaying the owed amount by wire transfer.

7.7 If, for any reason, your credit card declines or otherwise refuses to pay the amount owed for the Services you have purchased, you agree that we may suspend or terminate performance of Services or delivery of products and may require you to pay any overdue amounts incurred (including any third-party chargeback fees or penalties) by other means acceptable to us. In the event legal action is necessary to collect on balances due, you agree to reimburse us for all expenses incurred to recover sums due, including attorney fees and other legal expenses.


8. Intellectual Property

8.1. Subject to clause 8.2, title to, and all Intellectual Property Rights in, the Service, the Website, and all Underlying Systems is and remains our property (and our licensors’ property). You must not contest or dispute that ownership, or the validity of those Intellectual Property Rights.

8.2 Title to, and all Intellectual Property Rights in, the Data (as between the parties) remains your property. You grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, fully paid up, transferable, irrevocable licence to use, store, copy, modify, make available and communicate the Data for any purpose in connection with the exercise of our rights and performance of our obligations in accordance with these Terms.

8.3 To the extent not owned by us, you grant us a royalty-free, transferable, irrevocable and perpetual licence to use for our own business purposes any know-how, techniques, ideas, methodologies, and similar Intellectual Property used by us in the provision of the Services.

8.4 If you provide us with ideas, comments or suggestions relating to the Service or Underlying Systems (together feedback):

  • all Intellectual Property Rights in that feedback, and anything created as a result of that feedback (including new material, enhancements, modifications or derivative works), are owned solely by us; and
  • we may use or disclose the feedback for any purpose.

8.5 You acknowledge that the Service may link to third party websites or feeds that are connected or relevant to the Service. Any link from the Service does not imply that we endorse, approve or recommend, or have responsibility for, those websites or feeds or their content or operators. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we exclude all responsibility or liability for those websites or feeds.

9. Confidentiality

9.1 Each party must, unless it has the prior written consent of the other party:

  • keep confidential at all times the Confidential Information of the other party;
  • effect and maintain adequate security measures to safeguard the other party’s Confidential Information from unauthorised access or use; and
  • disclose the other party’s Confidential Information to its personnel or professional advisors on a need to know basis only and, in that case, ensure that any personnel or professional advisor to whom it discloses the other party’s Confidential Information is aware of, and complies with, clauses 9.1a and 9.1b.

9.2 The obligation of confidentiality in clause 9.1 does not apply to any disclosure or use of Confidential Information:

  • for the purpose of performing a party’s obligations, or exercising a party’s rights, under these Terms;
  • required by law (including under the rules of any stock exchange);
  • which is publicly available through no fault of the recipient of the Confidential Information or its personnel;
  • which was rightfully received by a party from a third party without restriction and without breach of any obligation of confidentiality; or
  • by us if required as part of a bona fide sale of our business (assets or shares, whether in whole or in part) to a third party, provided that we enter into a confidentiality agreement with the third party on terms no less restrictive than this clause 9.

10. Warranties

10.1 Each party warrants that it has full power and authority to enter into, and perform its obligations under, these Terms.

10.2 To the maximum extent permitted by law:

  • our warranties are limited to those set out in these Terms, and all other conditions, guarantees or warranties whether expressed or implied by statute or otherwise (including any warranty under Commercial and Contract Law) are expressly excluded and, to the extent that they cannot be excluded, liability for them is limited to a refund of the fees paid; and
  • we make no representation concerning the quality of the Service and do not promise that the Service will:
    • meet your requirements or be suitable for a particular purpose; or
    • be secure, free of viruses or other harmful code, uninterrupted or error free.

10.3 You agree and represent that you are acquiring the Service, and accepting these Terms, for the purpose of trade. The parties agree that:

  • to the maximum extent permissible by law, the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and any other applicable consumer protection legislation does not apply to the supply of the Service or these Terms; and
  • it is fair and reasonable that the parties are bound by this clause 10.3.

10.4 Where legislation or rule of law implies into these Terms a condition or warranty that cannot be excluded or modified by contract, the condition or warranty is deemed to be included in these Terms. However, our liability for any breach of that condition or warranty is limited, at our option, to:

  • supplying the Service again; and/or
  • paying the costs of having the Service supplied again.

11. Liability

11.1 Our maximum aggregate liability under or in connection with these Terms or relating to the Service, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise, must not in any Year exceed an amount equal to the Fees paid by you relating to the Service in the previous Year (which in the first Year is deemed to be the total Fees paid by you from the Start Date to the date of the first event giving rise to liability). The cap in this clause 11.1 includes the cap set out in clause 10.2a.

11.2 Neither party is liable to the other under or in connection with these Terms or the Service for any:

  • loss of profit, revenue, savings, business, use, data (including Data), and/or goodwill; or
  • consequential, indirect, incidental or special damage or loss of any kind.

11.3 Clauses 11.1 and 11.2 do not apply to limit our liability under or in connection with these Terms for:

  • personal injury or death;
  • fraud or wilful misconduct; or
  • a breach of clause 9.

11.4 Clause 11.2 does not apply to limit your liability:

  • to pay the Fees;
  • under the indemnity in clause 6.7; or
  • for those matters stated in clause 11.3a to 11.3c.

11.5 Neither party will be responsible, liable, or held to be in breach of these Terms for any failure to perform its obligations under these Terms or otherwise, to the extent that the failure is caused by the other party failing to comply with its obligations under these Terms, or by the negligence or misconduct of the other party or its personnel.

11.6 Each party must take reasonable steps to mitigate any loss or damage, cost or expense it may suffer or incur arising out of anything done or not done by the other party under or in connection with these Terms or the Service.

12. Terms, Termination and Suspension

12.1 Unless terminated under this clause 12, these Terms and your right to access and use the Service:

  • starts on the Start Date; and
  • continues until a party gives at least 30 days notice that these Terms and your access to and use of the Service will terminate on the expiry of that notice.

12.2 Subject to clause 7.6, if the subscription option you have selected includes a minimum initial term, the earliest date for termination under clause 12.1 will be the expiry of that initial term.

12.3 Either party may, by notice to the other party, immediately terminate these Terms and your right to access and use the Service if the other party:

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